Cotton twine from Siebeck is a 100% natural alternative to plastic strapping, banderoling, and stretch-wrapping machines. It is made from high-quality cotton fibers and is available in a variety of thicknesses and strengths to suit different needs. Siebeck cotton twine is biodegradable and compostable, making it an environmentally friendly choice for businesses and consumers alike.
Siebeck cotton twine can be used to bind a wide variety of products, including:
- Packages
- Cardboard boxes
- Textiles
- Magazines
- Cables
- Hoses
- Seals
- V-belts
It is also ideal for use in the following industries:
- Packaging
- Logistics
- E-commerce
- Food and beverage
- Agriculture
- Retail
- Manufacturing
Siebeck cotton twine is strong and durable, yet it is also soft and easy to use. It can be tied by hand or with a machine, and it is easy to knot and secure. Siebeck cotton twine is also available in a variety of colors to suit your branding needs.
Here are some of the benefits of using Siebeck cotton twine:
- Environmentally friendly
- Biodegradable and compostable
- Strong and durable
- Soft and easy to use
- Easy to knot and secure
- Available in a variety of thicknesses, strengths, and colors
If you are looking for a sustainable and reliable alternative to plastic strapping, Siebeck cotton twine is a great option.
Contact: 00 48 605 318 315 i

Sznurki Siebeck

Sznurki bawełniane Siebeck
Sznurek Twine 900 White Siebeck (MAT-10-010)
- biały
- 100% bawełna
- 100% biodegradowalny
- ok. 2,0 kg
- ok. 1.800 m na rolce
- rozciągliwość ok. 15%
- grubość sznurka ok. 2 mm
- podwójnie skręcony 3 nitki
- wytrzymałość na rozciąganie: 14,7 daN(15kg) +/-10%
- średnica rolki: ok. 170mm
- wysokość rolki ok. 220mm
- 9 rolek w kartonie
- 21 kartonów na palecie

Sznurek Twine 900 Coloured Siebeck (MAT-10-190)
- kolorowy
- 100% bawełna
- 100% biodegradowalny (wykonany ze starych ubrań i skrawków sznurka)
- ok. 2,0 kg
- ok. 1.800 m na rolce
- rozciągliwość ok. 15%
- grubość sznurka ok. 2 mm
- podwójnie skręcony 3 nitki
- wytrzymałość na rozciąganie: 14,7 daN(15kg) +/-10%
- średnica rolki: ok. 170mm
- wysokość rolki ok. 220mm
- 9 rolek w kartonie
- 21 kartonów na palecie